Our nation is battling already with the second wave of Covid-19 and in the midst of this distress, we are now blown up with several other fearful stories of black fungus.

In this article, we will see what is mucormycosis and how it affects the eyes. Don’t worry! This article can help you to know about black fungus and if diagnosed on time by best eye specialist in AP would save lives and a lot of eyes.

Impact of Mucormycosis on eyes 

A life-threatening infection called mucormycosis, conversationally known as black fungus, is being diagnosed in several parts of India among Covid-19 patients. It is caused due to exposure to mucor mold present in the soil, plants, fertilizer, and rotting vegetables and fruits. Black fungus is the most recent manifestation which has occurred as a post-Covid complication. It influences tooth, sinus and eye


  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Bloody vomit
  • Altered mental status 
  • Pain and redness around the eyes

Eye involvement in the next stage after which it can impact the central nervous system thus it’s life-threatening. When the disease spreads to the eye, there can be inflammation because of fluid collection around the eyes, swelling or removal of the eye, loss of vision or visual blindness. Some influenced people experience loss of motion or muscle weakness that move the eyes, making it troublesome or difficult to move the eyes.

 Mucormycosis is risky whenever left untreated can cause ravaging damage to the face, nose, eyes with distortion and loss of vision and cause obtrusive brain infection. Therefore, timely diagnosis and eye treatment at eye hospitals in Rajahmundry can save life and sight.

Who are the victims of black fungus?

Diabetic patients who experienced coronavirus and people with the weak immune system are more prone to get black fungus.


Exenteration is the medical term for complete eye removal leaving a hollow. This is a disfigurement done by surgical procedure.

 In very few cases, mucormycosis can prompt vision disability, yet not all cases may require removal of the eye. The extraction is required when there is a danger to the nervous system which risks life.

This disease can be treated by dental, ENT and eye surgeons.

Consult ophthalmologist in Rajahmundry for eye Mucormycosis treatment.


A healthy diet, rational usage of steroids and 0.5% povidone-iodine nasal drops 2-3 times a day can decrease the occurrence of this disease during Covid times.