Diabetes has resulted in a higher risk of developing eye diseases. There are four main eye problems caused by high levels of sugar in the blood. The greater is the risk of getting eye problems when it is less controlled.

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is the most well-known eye issue for individuals with diabetes, influencing very nearly 33% of those with both kind 1 and 2 diabetes beyond 40 years old. Whenever left untreated, diabetic retinopathy can prompt the following two problems: macular edema and glaucoma. Consult the best ophthalmologist in Rajahmundry for diabetic retinopathy treatment.

Macular edema

The macula is one of the parts of the eye liable to send the best resolution images to the brain. It is situated close to the focal point of the retina and is vital for fresh vision. In diabetic retinopathy, veins in the retina can lump and break into the macula. This can make the macula swell (eye specialists in the East Godavari call that "edema"), which can cause your vision to get fluffy or wavy.


Glaucoma happens when the optic nerve is harmed because of the high pressing factor inside the eye. At the point when the optic nerve is harmed, you begin to encounter loss in vision. If there is enough impairment done, you can lose your vision totally and forever. One type of glaucoma, called neovascular glaucoma, is brought about by diabetes. High sugar levels can now and then reason a lot of harm to the retina's veins that the body needs to make new ones. On the off chance that the fresh blood vessels develop on the iris (the hued part of your eye), it will cause your eye strain to increment. High eye pressure at that point causes glaucoma. Make an appointment with eye doctors at eye clinics in Rajahmundry.


A cataract is a condition when the focal point of your eye gets shady. With diabetes, high measures of sugar in the blood can make a development in the formation on the lens and lead to cataracts. Diabetes enhances the risk of the development of cataracts. Once you get them, they can be eliminated with surgery at eye hospitals in Rajahmundry.

 Best treatment of eye problems in Rajahmundry

Treatment of cataracts depends on how bad they are. If cataracts are not troubling much then the symptoms can be treated by having eyeglasses. As your cataracts begin to disturb your daily activities, they can be surgically eliminated.

Diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and macular edema are harder to treat. Usage of eye drops can aid to keep the swelling and pressure intact. 


The best way to prevent diabetic-related eye issues is to regulate blood sugar levels. Visit the eye hospital in east Godavari once a year which will help to detect eye problems at the earliest. If you have high blood pressure, consult an eye doctor and follow the recommendations to decrease it. Stop smoking and alcohol consumption.